Child Support Mediation

divorce mediation domestic partners mediation services mn family law family mediation mediated divorce parenting plan Jun 18, 2017
Child Support Mediation

Divorce is known to be one of the most stressful life events, along the same lines as a death in the family, a job loss, or a sudden move or illness. Divorcing couples entered into their marriage with hopes and dreams for a long life together and have to come to grips with a new reality. Couples must deal with the loss of this hope and major life changes.

The process of settling the terms of a divorce can add additional stress to an already tense and volatile situation, particularly when it comes to issues surrounding the children in the marriage. Child support is one area that often causes great conflict in a divorce settlement. Rather than increasing the animosity and conflict of the divorce by trying to settle these important issues in a long and costly court battle, divorce mediation offers a less expensive and less stressful mechanism for resolution. Lesa Koski specializes in divorce mediation for those in the Stillwater, Hudson and Woodbury areas and can help you and your soon to be ex-spouse come up with a reasonable plan for child support.

Factors for Determining Child Support Payments

There are many factors that help determine an equitable child support payment after a divorce. Generally, courts look at things like earning potential and income of both parties, child care expenses, health care expenses, how much time the child/children will spend with each parent, and each parent’s ability to pay child support. The purpose of the laws is to assure that children are cared for financially.

Lisa Koski is a Qualified Neutral under Rule 114 of the Minnesota Rules of Practice and is an Early Neutral Evaluator for Financial and Custody/Parenting time issues. She will work closely with you and your divorcing spouse to come up with a child support agreement that works for all involved, with particular attention to the overall welfare of the children.

Child Support Mediator, MN

Child support mediation allows you to solve these sometimes contentious issues without an expensive and taxing court battle that can take months, if not longer, to resolve. The team at Lesa Koski has experience working with couples who have decided to divorce and will bring expertise, compassion and efficiency to the process. For more information call our office at (651) 214-5057.

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