Co-Mediation Maplewood, MN

co-parenting divorce mediation mediated divorce Jul 04, 2018
Co-Mediation Maplewood, MN

Divorce is complicated and every divorce is different. If you are in the process of a divorce and have decided to pursue mediation as a mechanism for settling important issues like division of property, child custody and spousal maintenance, you might consider co-mediation. Co-mediation utilizes several experts to help you solve the most important and complex parts of your divorce. You and your divorcing spouse may benefit from having multiple perspectives and varying personality types to find areas of compromise in your case. Lesa Koski is a highly trained and experienced mediator that is available for co-mediation with couples in the Maplewood, Minnesota area.

Benefits of Co-Mediation

The benefits of mediation are numerous – it costs less than a court proceeding and takes less time. There are also important benefits for pursuing co-mediation. These benefits include:

● Co-mediators increase the likelihood of a connection between the professionals and the divorcing couple, which also increases the chances of success.
● Team approaches offer different ideas and perspectives which may prove valuable for finding areas of compromise.
● Co-mediators may bring different expertise – one can have a specific interest in the financial aspects of a divorce while another has extraordinary people skills. The combination of these strengths can improve the overall process.
● Sometimes having different gender, race or ethnicity can make one or the other participants more comfortable which also makes them more receptive to an open and honest discussion about the terms of the divorce.

Experienced Co-Mediator, Maplewood, MN

Lesa Koski brings excellent communication skills and many years of mediation experience to each of her clients in the Maplewood area. Her strengths include being able to really listen to her clients and find ways to connect with them and develop trust. She is empathetic and compassionate and will work to help you and your spouse find common ground and a way to go forward. Lesa also understands that divorce is very likely not what you or your spouse wanted. You likely got married with the absolute intention of staying together. You are likely feeling pain, disappointment and many other emotions. She can help you find peace, calmness and a sense of control over your own life.

Co-Mediation Maplewood, MN

If you live in the Maplewood area and your spouse have decided that the next step for you is divorce, contact Lesa Koski for more information about co-mediation services. Lesa can be reached at 651-214-5057 to schedule a free consultation to find out if she is a good match for you.

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