Divorce Mediation Services Stillwater MN
Sep 14, 2016
Divorce Mediation is a wonderful tool when two parties are having trouble coming to an agreement. Stillwater Divorce Mediator Lesa Koski has run into the occasional case where a couple is not disputing any issues and just needs help with the divorce paperwork. This is not mediation. An attorney can be helpful to draft and file the paperwork. Lesa Koski is a Minnesota attorney that can help couples sort out what services they will need during their free initial consultation.
Divorce Mediator Lesa Koski is both an attorney and a qualified neutral. In mediation, a qualified neutral helps couples come to an agreement in each aspect of a divorce agreement. The biggest areas where reaching agreement is necessary are: maintenance, child custody, child support and division of assets. Lesa Koski assists clients in reaching agreements from her beautiful office overlooking the St. Croix River, just outside of Stillwater.
How Mediation Works
Mediation sessions are a working meeting. The couples arrive prepared to roll up their sleeves and begin working through the paperwork with Lesa at their side. The final divorce agreement belongs to the divorcing couple. Lesa Koski is steering the car. During the free initial meeting, Divorce Mediator Lesa Koski discusses how the mediation will unfold. Divorce Mediators should always set standards before the mediation begins. Lesa insists on mutual respect. She believes you can and must respectfully disagree. If there is disrespect the mediation comes to a close.
Usually Lesa puts a two-hour time limit on the first divorce mediation meeting. The total amount of time necessary to complete mediation is never the same. Some couples can almost complete the entire divorce agreement in one session, while other work out one issue.
Why is divorce mediation helpful to couples that have some disagreement about how the divorce should look? Communication is key. Divorce Mediators should be experts in the art of communication. This is Divorce Mediator Lesa Koski’s biggest asset. She has been communicating successfully her entire life. As a small child she was the peacemaker. She has early memories of sorting out issues in her Afton neighborhood between friends. Lesa studied Journalism at the University of St. Thomas and had entry-level jobs at local news organizations. She then went on to obtain her Masters degree from St. Mary’s College. This program worked with cohorts. Lesa Koski needed to communicate with her group to succeed in school. During this time Lesa Koski was working in marketing at HealthEast. Then she had children and that is where she really honed in on communication at its finest! Negotiating with toddlers and now college students is an incredible communication growth mechanism.
Lesa attended law school at William Mitchell while her two oldest children where toddlers. She then went into the field of Elder Law and mediated between families often. Currently Lesa is a Mediator, as well as an on camera and voice talent with Talent Poole talent agency. She states that her biggest accomplishment is being married to the same man for almost 25 years. This rewarding union has taught her the ups and downs of marriage and a great deal about communicating.
Stillwater Divorce Mediator
If you are in need of a Divorce Mediator please make sure the qualified neutral is a natural communicator with an understanding of family law; who will remain unbiased. Lesa Koski is this Divorce Mediator. Please contact Lesa if you are ready to begin divorce mediation; or have any question about the process. She would be happy to set up a free initial consultation in her beautiful tranquil office just outside of Stillwater, MN.