Experienced Divorce Coach

civil mediation divorce mediation family mediation Oct 21, 2017
Experienced Divorce Coach

A divorce coach is a professional who is contracted to work with one person of a divorcing couple. The divorce coach provides that person with insights and specific knowledge about the divorce process that helps the individual navigate their way through the complexities that define divorce. The reason divorce coaching is becoming more prominent is that, in other parts of our society in which coaching is better known (such as the professional and business worlds, psychology, etc.), coaching offers a person individualized attention and strategies that are specific to that person’s life and the circumstances present in it.

What Is a Divorce Coach

A divorce coach offers the kind of objectivity that friends and family members are often too close to the situation to provide. And though most friends and family want to help you through stressful situations like divorce, they don’t have the objectivity and impartiality that a good divorce coach will have. A divorce coach is a trained professional who understands how to balance objective feedback with personal advocacy on your behalf. Here are some of the benefits you can gain from working with Lesa Koski:

  • Help in managing emotions before, during, and after your divorce.
  • Insight so that you can make more well-informed decisions about parenting, family interactions, and social involvement.
  • Creating and maintaining healthy boundaries when dealing with your former spouse.
  • Greater knowledge about the options available to you regarding the divorce process and confidence in your choices.
  • Help with the necessary, but sometimes elusive, process of moving on with your life after your divorce.
  • Greater confidence in the creation and implementation of your parenting plan.
  • Excellent counsel about your ability to tackle the challenges that come with the finalizing of your divorce.

Divorce Coaching Service, Stillwater, MN

Lesa Koski is exceptionally well qualified to help you through your divorce in multiple ways. Furthermore, Lesa Koski has demonstrated her commitment to providing excellent service in cutting-edge ways by including divorce coaching in her menu of services. She is an area leader in divorce mediation and, by extension, in divorce coaching. If you work with Lesa Koski during or after your own divorce, there is little doubt that you will feel supported and empowered to make sense of what may be a difficult time, and ultimately will move on to the next phase of life in the most positive way you can. Call her at 651-214-5057 to find out if divorce coaching might be useful to you.

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