Post-Mediation Lawyer

divorce mediation family law family mediation Sep 25, 2017
Post-Mediation Lawyer

If you have recently gotten a divorce but still have unresolved issues, questions, or legal matters that need to be addressed, Lesa Koski’s law firm can help. And, since you have recently been through a divorce, you already know that the issues don’t necessarily go away immediately after signing the dotted line on your divorce documents. For every person who has ever gotten divorced, there are likely that many different potential issues that can crop up after a divorce.

Legal Support After Divorce

Lesa Koski specializes in family law and serves the people of Stillwater, Minnesota, as well as many other communities in the Minnesota area by providing expertise in Minnesota divorce law before, during, and after your divorce has been finalized. Many people who get divorced, however, may not realize that they can benefit from mediation after the divorce has been finalized. The court system is simply not setup to resolve every dispute or disagreement after a divorce is final. Mediation empowers you and your ex-spouse to find solutions quickly that work for your family. Lesa can mediate your issues or she can represent you in a legal case, depending on your unique situation.

Lesa Koski is committed to the idea that divorce can be finalized in a positive way so that the stress associated with it can be mitigated. Lesa Koski not only has a healthy perspective on divorce, she is a family lawyer with an expertise in mediation. Lesa’s compassion and commitment to her clients’ well-being; in fact, serves as an indicator that she is not simply looking to make her monetary fortune off of your marital misfortune. If you choose Lesa Koski to mediate your divorce, you will quickly learn of her expertise in mediation and her depth of knowledge in Minnesota divorce law.

Post-Divorce Legal Services Stillwater MN

Lesa Koski is able to understand your issues and questions because of a combination of training, life experience, and the hard work that it’s taken to become an expert in divorce law. She has been around the field long enough to understand that problems can arise even after all the I’s have been dotted and T’s have been crossed. If you need legal support or post-mediation, Lesa Koski can help you. While she cannot serve as both your divorce lawyer and your mediator at the same time, she can help you decide which path will be best for your situation.

Divorce mediation has become a very common means of finalizing divorce, but legal questions can persist post mediation. It may be tempting for you to think that you have no leg to stand on after the mediation process has been completed. But that is not true. Lesa can provide post-divorce legal support to you when issues about parenting or finances come up. For more information, contact Lesa Koski by email at [email protected] or by calling 651-215-5057 to schedule a time to talk.

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